Turn Your Expertise Into Revenue

You’ve spent years developing a deep expertise — It’s time your customers understood its value.
Hi! I’m Justin.
Before I got into marketing, I worked in technical roles for 13+ years. Looking back on that time, I find that the biggest struggles I ever had were caused by poor communication.
As a technical service provider or specialist, you spend all this time — years! — learning your craft and developing an opinion about how it should be implemented. But then you get to work, and that craft only represents a small portion of what you do.
Most of what you end up dealing with is other people… who don’t understand exactly what you do.
These could be customers, co-workers, even leaders — the people who hired you to do something that they don’t understand. It can cause a lot of friction and personal strife when you don’t have the skills you need to:
Strip down that massive body of knowledge to the one or two things that you really need someone to know at a given moment, and
Help them understand.
Copywriting helped me develop these skills. I built a marketing consultancy while studying for an MBA during the pandemic, and now that I’ve completed school, I’m going to channel everything I’ve learned about communicating and marketing specialized knowledge into this weekly newsletter.